TK-7360/ TK-8360
© B62-2282-00 (E)
09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Information on Disposal of Old Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Batteries
(applicable for EU countries that have adopted separate waste collection systems)
Products and batteries with the symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin) cannot be disposed as
household waste.
Old electrical and electronic equipment and batteries should be recycled at a facility capable
of handling these items and their waste byproducts.
Contact your local authority for details in locating a recycle facility nearest to you.
Proper recycling and waste disposal will help conserve resources whilst preventing
detrimental effects on our health and the environment.
Notice: The sign "Pb" below the symbol for batteries indicates that this battery contains lead.
Thank You
We are grateful you have chosen Kenwood for your personal mob le appl cat ons.
Th s nstruct on manual covers only the bas c operat ons of your mob le rad o. Ask your dealer for
nformat on on any custom zed features they may have added to your rad o.
noTices To The user
Government law proh b ts the operat on of unl censed transm tters w th n the terr tor es under
government control.
Illegal operation is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment.
Refer service to qualified technicians only.
SAFETY: It s mportant that the operator s aware of, and understands, hazards
common to the operat on of any transce ver.
Turn OFF your transce ver wh le tak ng on fuel or wh le parked n gasol ne serv ce stat ons. Do
not carry spare fuel conta ners n the trunk of your veh cle f your transce ver s mounted n the
trunk area.
Do not operate your transce ver when somebody s e ther stand ng near to or touch ng the
antenna, to avo d the poss b l ty of rad o frequency burns or related phys cal njury.
Operat ng the transce ver w th n 500 feet (150 m) of dynam te blast ng caps may cause them
to explode. Turn OFF your transce ver when n an area where blast ng s n progress, or where
“TURN OFF TWO-WAY RADIO” s gns have been posted. If you are transport ng blast ng caps
n your veh cle, make sure they are carr ed n a closed metal box w th a padded nter or. Do not
transm t wh le the caps are be ng placed nto or removed from the conta ner.
Observe the following precautions to prevent fire, personal injury, and transceiver
Do not attempt to configure the transceiver while driving; it is too dangerous.
Do not d sassemble or mod fy the transce ver for any reason.
Do not expose the transce ver to long per ods of d rect sunl ght, nor place t near heat ng
appl ances.
If an abnormal odor or smoke s detected com ng from the transce ver, sw tch the
transce ver power off mmed ately, and contact your Kenwood dealer.
Use of the transceiver while you are driving may be against traffic laws. Please check
and observe the veh cle regulat ons n your area.
Do not use options not specified by Kenwood.
The transce ver operates n 12 v negat ve ground systems only! Check the battery polar ty and
voltage of the veh cle before nstall ng the transce ver.
Use only the suppl ed DC power cable or a Kenwood opt onal DC power cable.
Do not cut and/or remove the fuse holder on the DC power cable.
For passenger safety, nstall the transce ver securely us ng the suppl ed mount ng bracket and
screw set so the transce ver w ll not break loose n the event of a coll s on.
GeTTING STARTeD ................................................................................................1
GeTTING ACQUAINTeD .........................................................................................3
PROGRAmmAbl e FUNCTIONS.............................................................................5
bASIC OPeRATIONS...............................................................................................6
DTmF CAl l S ...........................................................................................................8
SIGNAl ING ............................................................................................................10
5-TONe SIGNAl ING..............................................................................................10
FleetSync: Al PhANUmeRIC 2-WAY PAGING FUNCTION ...................................11
ADvANCeD OPeRATIONS....................................................................................13
bACk GROUND OPeRATIONS..............................................................................16
v GS-1 OPTIONAl v OICe GUIDe & STORAGe UNIT..........................................17
Note: The following instructions are for use by your Kenwood dealer, an authorized Kenwood
service facility, or the factory.
Suppl ied AcceSSo r ieS
Carefully unpack the transceiver. We recommend that you identify the items
listed below before discarding the packing material. If any items are missing or
have been damaged during shipment, file a claim with the carrier immediately.
DC power cable (with fuses). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 A fuse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Mounting Bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Screw set
5 x 6 mm self-tapping screw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Hex-headed screw with washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Spring washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Flat washer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Instruction manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
pr epAr At io n
Various electronic equipment in your vehicle may malfunction if they are not properly protected
from the radio frequency energy which is present while transmitting. Typical examples include
electronic fuel injection, anti-skid braking, and cruise control. If your vehicle contains such
equipment, consult the dealer for the make of vehicle and enlist his/her aid in determining if they
will perform normally while transmitting.
n Power Cable Connection
The transceiver operates in 2 V negative ground systems only! Check the battery polarity and
voltage of the vehicle before installing the transceiver.
1 Check for an existing hole, conveniently located in the firewall, where the
power cable can be passed through.
If no hole exists, use a circle cutter to drill a hole, then install a rubber grommet.
2 Run the power cable through the firewall and into the engine compartment.
3 Connect the red lead to the positive (+) battery terminal and the black lead
to the negative (–) battery terminal.
Place the fuse as close to the battery as possible.
4 Coil the surplus cable and secure it with a retaining band.
Be sure to leave enough slack in the cables so the transceiver can be removed
for servicing while keeping the power applied.
n Installing the Transceiver
For passenger safety, install the transceiver securely using the supplied mounting bracket and
screw set, so the transceiver will not break loose in the event of a collision.
Note: Before installing the transceiver, check how far the mounting screws will extend below
the surface. When drilling mounting holes, be careful not to damage vehicle wiring or parts.
1 Mark the position of the holes in the dash, using the mounting bracket as a
template. Using a 4.2 mm (5/32 inch) drill bit, drill the holes, then attach the
mounting bracket using the supplied screws.
Mount the transceiver within easy reach of the user and where there is sufficient
space at the rear of the transceiver for cable connections.
2 Connect the antenna and the supplied power cable to the transceiver.
3 Slide the transceiver into the mounting bracket and secure it using the
supplied hex-headed screws.
4 Mount the optional microphone hanger in a location where it will be within
easy reach of the user.
The microphone and microphone cable should be mounted in a place where they
will not interfere with the safe operation of the vehicle.
When replacing the fuse in the DC power cable, be sure to replace it with a fuse of the same
value. Never replace a fuse with one that is rated with a higher value.
M4 x 6 mm
Hex-headed screw
5 x 6 mm
Self-tapping screw
Mounting bracket
Power input
Black (–) cable
Red (+) cable
2 V vehicle
DC power cable
Fr o nt And r eAr ViewS
; =B
(Power) switch
Press to switch the transceiver ON or OFF.
Press to activate their programmable functions {page 5}.
Press to activate their programmable functions {page 5}.
④ TX/RX Indicator
Lights red while transmitting and green while receiving a signal. Flashes
orange when receiving an optional signaling call.
⑤ Microphone jack
Insert the microphone plug into this jack.
⑥ Status Indicator
Lights blue during a specified mode, based on dealer programming.
/ S / A / <B / C> / n keys
Press to activate their programmable functions {page 5}.
⑧ Speaker
Internal speaker.
⑨ PTT switch
Press this switch, then speak into the microphone to call a station.
⑩ Antenna connector
Connect the antenna to this connector.
⑪ ACC connector
Connect the ACC to this connector, via the KCT-60.
⑫ External speaker jack
Connect an external speaker to this jack.
⑬ Power input connector
Connect the DC Power Cable to this connector.
diSpl Ay
Displays the signal strength.
Not used.
Lights when the GPS position is determined.
Signaling is turned off.
A DTMF call is being received.
The Talk Around function is on.
Lights while scanning or while paused on a channel.
Blinks when scan is temporarily stopped.
A caller ID/message is in the stack memory.
The selected channel is the Priority channel.
Not used.
The Horn Alert function is on.
The Scrambler function is on.
The Public Address function is on.
The selected channel is the Channel/Group ID Recall
The current zone is added to the scan sequence.
The External Speaker function is on.
The AUX function is on.
Lights when the Auto Recording function is on.
The current Channel/Group ID is added to the scan
The Operator Selectable Tone function is on.
The Auto Reply Message function is on.
, S, A, <B, C>, and n keys can be programmed with the
functions listed below. Ask your dealer for details on these functions.
OST List
Auto Reply Message
Paging Call
Autodial Programming
Priority Channel Select
Public Address
RSSI Indicator
Call ~ 3
Calling Alert
CH/GID Down (Continuous)
CH/GID Recall
Scan Del/Add
Scrambler Code
CH/GID Up (Continuous)
Channel Entry
Digit x Down 2
Digit 0x Down 2
Digit x Up 2
Digit 0x Up 2
Direct CH/GID ~ 4
Direct CH/GID ~ 4 Select
Display Character
Emergency 3
Selcall + Short Message
Selcall + Status
Send the GPS Data
Short Message
Squelch Level
Squelch Off
Squelch Off Momentary
Status ~ Status 3
Talk Around
External Speaker
Transceiver Password
Voice Memo
GPS Position Display
Home CH/GID Select
Horn Alert
Volume Down
Volume Down (Continuous)
Volume Up
Key Lock
Volume Up (Continuous)
Zone Del/Add
Zone Down
LCD Brightness
Lone Worker
Zone Down (Continuous)
Zone Up
Monitor Momentary
Zone Up (Continuous)
These functions can be programmed only for FleetSync/ MDC- 200.
These functions can be programmed only for 5-tone signaling.
Emergency can be programmed only on the
key. When assigned, the dealer must set the key
assignment hold to “Enable” and second function as “Emergency”.
Swit ching po wer o n/ o FF
Press to switch the transceiver ON.
A beep sounds and the display illuminates. If the Power-on tone select is set to OFF,
the beep will not sound.
If the Transceiver Password function is programmed, “PASSWORD” will appear on the
display. Refer to “Transceiver Password”, on page 6.
Press again to switch the transceiver OFF.
n Transceiver Password
To enter the password:
1 Press
to select a digit.
When using a keypad, simply enter the password digits and proceed to step 4.
2 Press C> to accept the entered digit and move to the next digit.
Press A or # to delete an incorrect digit. Press and hold A or # to delete all
3 Repeat steps and 2 to enter the entire password.
4 Press S or to confirm the password.
If you enter an incorrect password, the transceiver remains locked.
Adj uSt ing t he Vo l ume
Press the Volume Up key to increase the volume. Press the Volume Down key
to decrease the volume.
If Squelch Off has been programmed onto a key, you can use that function to
listen to background noise while adjusting the volume level.
Sel ect ing A Zo ne And chAnnel /g r o up id
Select the desired zone and channel/group ID using the keys programmed as
Zone Up/ Zone Down and CH/GID Up/ CH/GID Down.
You can program names for zones and channels/group IDs with up to 0
n Home Channel/Group ID
You can select your Home channel/group ID by pressing Home CH/GID.
Press the key a second time to return to your previous channel/group ID.
n Direct Channel/Group ID
You can quickly select a commonly used channel/group ID by pressing Direct
CH/GID 1 ~ Direct CH/GID 4. Press the same key a second time to return to
your previous channel/group ID (if the key assignment Direct CH/GID return is
configured as “Enabled”).
t r AnSmit t ing / r eceiVing
1 Select your desired zone and channel.
2 Press the microphone PTT switch and speak into the microphone to transmit.
Release the PTT switch to receive.
For best sound quality at the receiving station, hold the microphone approximately
.5 inches (3 ~ 4 cm) from your mouth.
Scan monitors for signals on the transceiver channels. While scanning, the
transceiver checks for a signal on each channel and only stops if a matching
signal is present. There are two types of scans available.
Single Scan: Monitors the channels of only the currently selected zone. If set up to
scan the Priority channel, it will be scanned even if it is not in the selected zone.
Multi Scan: Monitors the channels of every zone.
To start/stop scanning, press the key programmed as Scan.
“SCAN” and the
icon appear on the display during scan.
When a signal is detected, scan pauses at that channel. The transceiver will remain on
the busy channel until the signal is no longer present, at which time scan resumes.
Note: To use Scan, there must be at least 2 channels added to the scan sequence.
chAnnel r ecAl l
During scan, you can recall the last zone and channel/group ID on which you
made a call by pressing the key programmed as CH/GID Recall. Scan will
remain paused on the Recall channel until you press the key again.
pr io r it y ScAn
If a Priority channel has been programmed, the transceiver will automatically
change to the Priority channel when a call is received on that channel, even if a
call is being received on a normal channel.
icon appears on the display when the Priority channel is selected.
t empo r Ar y chAnnel l o cko ut
During scan, you can temporarily remove specific channels from the scanning
sequence by pressing the key programmed as Scan Delete/Add while Scan is
paused at the undesired channel. To temporarily remove a zone, press and hold
Scan Delete/Add while Scan is paused at a channel in the undesired zone.
The channel/zone is no longer scanned. However, when scanning is ended and
restarted, the Scan settings return to normal.
ScAn del et e/Add
You can add and remove zones and/or channels/group IDs to and from your scan
1 Select your desired zone and/or channel/group ID.
2 Press the key programmed as Scan Delete/Add to remove a channel or press
and hold the key for approximately second to remove a zone.
When a channel is added to scan, the
When a zone is added to scan, the
icon appears on the display.
icon appears on the display.
ScAn r eVer t
The Scan Revert channel is the channel selected when you press the PTT switch
to transmit during scan. Your dealer can program one of the following types of
Scan Revert channels:
Selected: The last channel selected before scan.
Selected + Talkback: Same as “Selected”, plus you can respond to calls on the
channel at which scan is paused.
Priority: The Priority channel.
Priority + Talkback: Same as “Priority”, plus you can respond to calls on the channel
at which scan is paused.
Last Called + Selected: The last channel on which you receive a call or the last
channel selected before scan, whichever operation occured latest.
Note: To make DTMF calls, you must use an optional microphone with a DTMF keypad.
mAnuAl diAl ing
1 Press and hold the PTT switch.
2 Enter the desired digits using the keypad.
If Keypad Auto-PTT is enabled by your dealer, you do not need to press the PTT
switch to transmit; you can make the call simply by pressing the keys.
Aut o diAl
Autodial allows you to quickly call DTMF numbers that have been programmed
onto your transceiver.
1 Press the key programmed as Autodial.
2 Press
(if the key assignment list selection is configured as “Enabled”) or
<B/C> to select an autodial list number.
You can also enter a number from 0 ~ 6 directly using the keypad.
3 Press the PTT switch to make the call.
n Storing an Autodial Entry
1 Press the key programmed as Autodial Programming.
2 Press
(if the key assignment list selection is configured as “Enabled”)
or <B/C> to select a memory location number.
3 Press S to enter a name for the list number.
4 Press
to select a digit.
5 Press C> to accept the entered digit and move the cursor to the right.
Press A or # to delete an incorrect digit. Press and hold A or # to delete all
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 to enter the entire name.
7 Press S to accept the name and enter a number.
8 Press
to select a digit.
You can also enter digits directly using the keypad.
9 Press C> to accept the entered digit and move the cursor to the right.
Press A or # to delete an incorrect digit. Press and hold A or # to delete all
10 Repeat steps and to enter the entire number.
11 Press S to accept the number and store the entry.
n Removing an Autodial Entry
1 Press the key programmed as Autodial Programming.
2 Press
(if the key assignment list selection is configured as “Enabled”)
or <B/C> to select a memory location number.
3 Press A or #.
“DELETE” appears on the display.
Additionally, you can press and hold A or # to delete all entries.
4 Press S or
to confirm the deletion.
r ediAl ing
1 Press the key programmed as Autodial.
2 Press , then 0.
If there is no data in the redial memory, an error tone will sound.
3 Press the PTT switch to make the call.
St un
This function is used when a transceiver is stolen or lost. When the transceiver
receives a call containing a stun code, the transceiver becomes disabled. The
stun code is cancelled when the transceiver receives a call with a revive code.
“STUN” appears on the display while the transceiver is stunned.
Quiet t Al k (Qt )/ dig it Al Quiet t Al k (dQt )
Your dealer may have programmed QT or DQT signaling on your transceiver
channels. A QT tone/ DQT code is a sub-audible tone/code which allows you to
ignore (not hear) calls from other parties who are using the same channel.
o pt io nAl Sig nAl ing
Your dealer may also program several types of optional signaling for your
transceiver channels.
5-Tone Signaling: Refer to “5-TONE SIGNALING” on page 0.
DTMF Signaling: DTMF Signaling opens the squelch only when the transceiver
receives a call containing a matching DTMF code.
FleetSync Signaling: Refer to “Sel c al l (Sel ec t iv e c al l ing )” on page
MDC-1200: MDC- 200 is a data system using Audio Frequency Shift Keying
(AFSK). Transceivers communicate at a 200 baud rate, using 200 Hz and
00 Hz tones.
o per At o r Sel ect Abl e t o ne (o St )
You can change the preset encode and decode tones for the selected channel.
Up to 40 OST pairs can be pre-programmed by your dealer.
1 Select your desired channel.
2 Press and hold the key programmed as OST.
“TONE” appears on the display, followed by the current OST number.
3 Press
(if the key assignment list selection is configured as “Enabled”) or
<B/C> to select your desired OST number.
You can also directly enter a number from 0 to 40 using the keypad.
4 Use the transceiver the same as in a regular call.
5 To exit OST mode and return to the preset encode/decode tones, press
5-tone Signaling opens the squelch only when the transceiver receives a matching
call. Transceivers that do not transmit the correct tones will not be heard.
Note: Your transceiver functions can include either 5-tone Signaling or FleetSync/ MDC- 200.
mAking A Sel cAl l (Sel ect iVe cAl l ing )
A Selcall is a voice call to a particular station or to a group of stations.
1 Select your desired zone and channel.
2 Press the key programmed as Selcall.
3 Press (if the key assignment list selection is configured as “Enabled”) or
<B/C> to select the ID of the station you want to call.
You can also enter the station ID directly by using the keypad.
4 Press the key programmed as Call 1 to Call 3 to begin your call.
my id
Your dealer can program an ID number for your transceiver, to identify you to
other parties when you make a call. If set by your dealer, you can edit the ID.
1 If the ID number can be edited, it will appear on the display when you turn the
transceiver power ON.
2 Press <B or C> to select the digit you want to change, then press
decrement the number.
to increment/
3 Press S or
to complete the entry.
t r AnSmit t ing
1 Select your desired zone and channel.
2 Press the key programmed as Selcall.
3 Press <B or C> to select a digit, then press
to increment/decrement the
4 Press S to complete the entry.
5 Press the key programmed as Call 1 to Call 3 and begin your conversation.
Note: Additionally, you can also use the keys programmed as Digit 1x Down, Digit 1x Up,
Digit 10x Down, and Digit 10x Up to adjust the Selcall number. Digit 1x Up/Down increases/
decreases the Selcall number by each time the key is pressed. Digit 10x Up/Down increases/
decreases the Selcall number by 0 each time the key is pressed.
r eceiVing
When you receive a signal containing the correct tones, squelch opens and you
will hear the call. To respond to the call, press the PTT switch and speak into the
FleetSync is an Alphanumeric 2-way Paging Function and is a protocol owned by
Kenwood Corporation.
Note: If set up by your dealer, your transceiver may use the MDC- 200 feature in place of
FleetSync. MDC- 200 and FleetSync cannot be operated simultaneously.
Sel cAl l (Sel ect iVe cAl l ing )
A Selcall is a voice call to a particular station or to a group of stations.
n Transmitting
1 Select your desired zone and channel.
2 Press the key programmed as Selcall or Selcall + Status.
3 Press
(if the key assignment list selection is configured as “Enabled”)
or <B/C> to select the ID of the station you want to call.
You can also enter the station ID directly by using the keypad.
4 Press the PTT switch and begin your conversation.
You can also press n to page the ID, rather than talking.
n Receiving
If enabled by your dealer, an alert tone will sound and the LED will blink when
a Selcall has been received. To respond to the call, press the PTT switch and
speak into the microphone.
n Identification Codes
An ID code is a combination of a 3-digit Fleet number and a 4-digit ID number.
Each transceiver must have its own Fleet and ID number.
Note: The ID range may be limited by programming.
pAg ing cAl l
1 Select your desired zone and channel.
2 Press the key programmed as Paging Call to transmit your PTT List ID, to
request a call.
St At uS meSSAg e
Status messages are 2-digit codes ranging from 0 to
for special messages).
( 0 ~
are reserved
A maximum of 5 received messages can be stored in the stack memory of your
transceiver and can be reviewed after reception. The
message is stored in the stack memory.
icon appears when a
n Transmitting
If programmed by your dealer, you can press the Call 1 ~ Call 3 keys to
quickly send preprogrammed status messages. You can also manually send
status messages.
1 Select your desired zone and channel.
2 Press the key programmed as Status or Selcall + Status.
When pressing the Status key, the target Fleet/ ID is fixed and cannot be
selected. Skip to step 5 to continue.
In Selcall mode, press
as “Enabled”) or <B/C> to select the ID of the station you want to call.
(if the key assignment list selection is configured
You can also enter the station ID directly by using the keypad.
4 Press S to enter Status mode.
5 Press (if the key assignment list selection is configured as “Enabled”)
or <B/C> to select the status ID you want to transmit.
You can also enter the status ID directly by using the keypad.
6 Press the PTT switch or n to initiate the status call.
n Receiving
When a status call is received, the
icon will flash and the calling ID or
text message will appear on the display. Press any key to return to normal
n Reviewing Messages in the Stack
1 Press and hold the key programmed as Stack, Selcall, Status, or
Selcall + Status.
2 Press
(if the key assignment list selection is configured as “Enabled”)
or <B/C> to select your desired message.
3 Press to return to normal operation.
Sho r t /l o ng meSSAg eS
To send and receive short or long messages, use the Selcall + Short Message
or Short Message functions, or connect the transceiver to a PC. (Ask your
dealer for details.)
Short messages can contain a maximum of 4 characters. Received short messages
are displayed the same as Status messages and are stored in the same stack memory.
A combined maximum of 5 Status calls and short messages can be stored in the stack
Long messages can contain a maximum of 40 6 characters and can only be viewed via
a PC.
g pS r epo r t
If a GPS unit (NMEA-0 3 format) is installed on your transceiver, you can press
the key programmed as Send the GPS data to send your location data.
emer g ency cAl l S
If your transceiver has been programmed with the Emergency function, you can
make emergency calls.
1 Press and hold the key programmed as Emergency.
Depending on the delay time programmed into your transceiver, the length of time
you must hold the Emergency key will vary.
When the transceiver enters Emergency mode, the transceiver will change to the
Emergency channel and begin transmitting based on how the transceiver is set up.
2 To exit Emergency mode, press and hold the Emergency key again.
If the Emergency mode completes the preset number of cycles, Emergency mode
will automatically end and the transceiver will return to normal.
n Lone Worker Mode
Lone Worker Mode is a safety feature built into the transceiver. If the
transceiver is not operated for a pre-programmed period of time, the
transceiver will emit a tone and automatically enter Emergency operation.
Operating any key will reset the timer.
Press the key programmed as Lone Worker to toggle the Lone Worker
function ON or OFF.
Depending on the delay time programmed into your transceiver, the length of time
you must hold the Lone Worker key will vary.
“L-WK ON” momentarily appears on the display when Lone Worker is activated.
t Al k Ar o und
During interruptions in service (such as a power failure), you can continue to
communicate by using the Talk Around feature. Talk Around allows you to
communicate directly with other transceivers without the use of a repeater, as long
as they are not too far away or there are no geographical obstacles in the way.
Press the key programmed as Talk Around to toggle the Talk Around function ON
or OFF.
The icon appears on the display while Talk Around is activated.
Vo ice Scr Ambl er
Your dealer can activate the built-in scrambler function, or they can add a more secure optional
scrambler board to your transceiver. Ask your dealer for details.
This function cannot be used in certain countries. Contact your Kenwood dealer for further
The built-in scrambler prevents others from easily listening in on your calls. When
activated, the transceiver distorts your voice so that anybody listening to your
conversation will not be able to clearly hear what you are saying.
In order for members of your own group to hear your call while you are using the
scrambler, all members must activate their scrambler functions.
Press the key programmed as Scrambler to toggle the Scrambler function ON or
The icon appears on the display while the Scrambler is activated.
When using an optional scrambler board, you can change the scrambler codes:
1 Press and hold the key programmed as Scrambler for second.
“CODE” appears on the display, followed by the current scrambler code.
2 Press
(if the key assignment list selection is configured as “Enabled”) or
<B/C> to select your desired scrambler code.
3 Press S, , or to store the new setting.
After changing your scrambler code, be sure to inform all of your group members of
the new code so they can also reset their transceivers. The scrambler function will
not work with transceivers set up with different scrambler codes.
mo nit o r / SQuel ch o FF
You can use the key programmed as Monitor or Squelch Off to listen to weak
signals that you cannot hear during normal operation and to adjust the volume
when no signals are present on your selected channel.
The icon appears on the display while Monitor or Squelch Off is activated.
Your dealer can program a key with one of four Monitor/Squelch Off functions:
Monitor: Press to deactivate QT, DQT, DTMF, 5-tone, or FleetSync Signaling. Press
again to return to normal operation.
Monitor Momentary: Press and hold to deactivate QT, DQT, DTMF, 5-tone or
FleetSync Signaling. Release to return to normal operation.
Squelch Off: Press to hear background noise. Press again to return to normal
Squelch Off Momentary: Press and hold to hear background noise. Release to return
to normal operation.
n Squelch Level
If a key has been programmed as Squelch Level, you can readjust your
transceiver’s squelch level:
1 Press the key programmed as Squelch Level.
The icon appears on the display, along with the current squelch level.
2 Press
(if the key assignment list selection is configured as “Enabled”)
or <B/C> to select your desired squelch level from 0 to .
3 Press S or to store the new setting.
key l o ck
Press the key programmed as Key Lock to lock the transceiver front panel and
microphone keys.
When any key is pressed while Key Lock is active, “LOCKED” momentarily appears on
the display.
Press the Key Lock key again to unlock the keys.
Sig nAl St r eng t h
The Signal Stength indicator shows the strength of received signals:
Very Weak
publ ic Addr eSS (pA)
The PA system can only be used with an external speaker.
1 Press the key programmed as Public Address to activate the Public Address
icon appears on the display.
2 Press and hold the PTT switch, then speak into the microphone to make your
address through the external speaker.
3 Press the Public Address key again to exit Public Address.
ho r n Al er t
Press the key programmed as Horn Alert to toggle the Horn Alert function ON or
The icon appears on the display while Horn Alert is activated.
ext er nAl SpeAker
After attaching an external speaker to the transceiver, press the key programmed
as External Speaker to output all received signals through the external speaker.
icon appears on the display.
Press the External Speaker key again to output all received signals only through
the built-in speaker.
l cd br ig ht neSS
You can cycle the display brightness between high, low, and off by pressing the
key programmed as LCD Brightness.
t ime-o ut t imer (t o t )
The Time-out Timer prevents you from using a channel for an extended duration.
If you continuously transmit for a preset time, the transceiver will stop transmitting
and an alert tone will sound. Release the PTT switch.
Auxil iAr y po r t
Press the key programmed as AUX to activate the auxiliary port. The auxiliary
port is used with optional boards.
icon appears on the display when the auxiliary port is active.
buSy chAnnel l o cko ut (bcl )
If BCL is set up by your dealer, you will be unable to transmit if the channel is
already in use.
“BUSY” appears on the display when you press the PTT switch. Use a different channel
or wait until the channel becomes free.
If your dealer has programmed BCL Override for your transceiver, you can
override the BCL by pressing the PTT switch again, immediately after releasing it,
when the channel is busy.
pt t id
PTT ID is the transceiver unique ID code which is sent each time the PTT switch
is pressed and/or released.
co mpAnder
If programmed by your dealer for a channel, the compander will remove
excessive noise from transmitted signals, providing higher clarity of signals.
t r AnSmit po wer
Your dealer has programmed a transmit power level for each channel. Power
levels can be high or low.
When using the optional VGS- voice guide & storage unit, you gain access to the
voice recorder and voice announcement functions. Ask your dealer for details.
Vo ice r eco r der
The voice recorder provides you with an auto recorder to record your
conversations and a voice memo function to create voice memos.
n Auto Recording
If activated, the auto recording function will continuously record all transmitted
and received signals. The recording storage area retains 30 seconds of
recording, so all transmitted and received signals are simultaneously recorded
and erased, leaving only the last 30 seconds of recording in memory.
is activated.
icon appears on the display when the Auto Recording function
n Voice Memos
You can record a voice memo for later playback.
1 Press the key programmed as Voice Memo or press and hold the key
programmed as Playback for second.
The duration of recording memory will appear on the display and begin counting
2 Speak into the microphone to record your voice memo.
3 Press the S, n, or
key to end the recording at any time and store it into
the transceiver memory.
If the memory becomes full, recording will stop automatically and store the voice
memo to memory.
n Auto Reply Message
You can set the transceiver to automatically respond to Individual Calls.
1 Press the key programmed as Auto Reply Message.
“AUTO REPLY” momentarily appears on the display.
2 When you receive an Individual Call, Auto Reply will begin after waiting for
3 seconds, the transceiver will send an automatic response to the caller,
and “GREETING” appears on the display
If you are available to receive the call, press any key to cancel the auto
If there is a channel available on your transceiver for recording, “I am not
available. Leave your Message.” will be sent to the caller. The caller can then
leave a recorded message on your transceiver which you can later recall and
listen to. When a message is stored on your transceiver, “MSG RCVD” appears
on the display.
If there is no channel available on your transceiver for recording, “I am not
available” will be sent to the caller and “MEM FULL” appears on the display.
n Playback
You can play back a recorded conversation, memo, or message.
1 Press the key programmed as Playback.
If the last action on your transceiver was to auto record your conversation,
“STORE” will appear on the display, otherwise a recording channel with the time
of the recording will appear.
2 Press
to select the channel you want to play back.
“AR” represents auto recordings.
“VM” represents voice memos.
“RM” represents reply messages.
3 The transceiver will announce the time and channel, then the recording will
play back.
When the entire recording has been played, “END OF MSG” is displayed.
Press A or # to delete the selected recording. Press and hold A or # to delete all
recorded data.
Vo ice g uide
If set up by your dealer, when changing the zone and/or channel/group ID,
an audio voice will announce the new zone and channel number/group ID.
Additionally, when changing a function setting, an audio voice will announce the
new setting. (Voice announcements vary by dealer setting.)
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